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尚雯婕《Big UP 咆哮》MP3下载_歌词

     来源:本站整理      作者:不详      日期:2015-9-21

  尚雯婕全新单曲《Big UP 咆哮》作为2015中英文化交流年“创意中国风尚上海”主题曲及2015韩火火《FireBible有范儿》全球主题曲,排山倒海的电子交响与尚雯婕独有的激昂音色令整首歌散发着热血沸腾,气势汹涌的杀伤力;时隔两年,尚雯婕继《最终信仰thefaith》后再写正能量赞歌,《BigUP咆哮》也将有望成为尚雯婕历年原创作品中最受大众欢迎的励志金曲


《Big UP 咆哮》歌词




  Big up*3 amaze me

  Big up*3 against me

  Light up the sky

  Light up your life

  Show them the strength in you


  Used to step back

  And watch yourself fall

  Afraid to dream out loud in the night


  You just couldn't see

  The chance that you could be

  The one that shines like star in the sky

  Now the heat is rising

  Rage is burning inside

  You know you're one of a kind

  You get what you wanted

  Big up*3 amaze me

  Big up*3 against me

  Light up the sky

  Light up your life

  Show them the strength in you

  Big up*3 inflame me

  Big up*3 embrace me

  Light up the sky

  Light up your life

  Never hold back your fire


  You just couldn't see

  The chance that you could be

  The one that shines like star in the sky

  Now the heat is rising

  Rage is burning inside

  You know you're one of a kind

  You get what you wanted

  Big up*3 amaze me

  Big up*3 against me

  Light up the sky

  Light up your life

  Show them the strength in you

  Big up*3 inflame me

  Big up*3 embrace me

  Light up the sky

  Light up your life

  Never hold back your fire

  Break up chains and everything else

  You can make it through the places you want to step on

  Come on you can shine


  Used to step back

  And watch yourself fall

  But now u know u can

  Big up*3 amaze me

  Big up*3 against me

  Light up the sky

  Light up your life

  Show them the strength in you

  Big up*3 inflame me

  Big up*3 embrace me

  Light up the sky

  Light up your life

  Never hold back your fire

上一篇:女神新装20150919最新一期插曲颖儿午夜巴黎的出场音乐叫什么名字    下一篇:大猫儿追爱记主题曲片尾曲插曲全部的歌曲叫什么名字


