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     来源:本站整理      作者:不详      日期:2015-6-8

runningman20150607期中,以完整体回归的Big Bang作为嘉宾出演,综艺感超乎想象。


  Big Bang登场开始就引众人笑声。平日在舞台上Big Bang所展现的威风凛凛风格截然不同,180°的搞笑模样,引现场爆棚。从头到脚,Big Bang成员回到了罗马时代的角斗士,令现场爆笑。


  此外,Big Bang在水中游戏中,与跑男们的竞争激烈,甚至还想扒下对方的裤子等,笑声不断。不仅如此,G-Dragon在竞赛初期身形轻巧,然而越是到后期,腿也没劲儿了,非出自本意地用身体搞笑。

1、水战前放的音乐是Forever Friends   MP3试听http://www.yy521.com/2012zuixingequ/plays/hanguogequ/index20111.html

I believe I can love

You give me your loving care

I believe in what we are

I don’t know where I would be

Without you staying with me

Sometimes, I’m lost in misery

You will take me all the way,

I’m not afraid

Oh, you and me, hand in hand

To everywhere amazing

Be my friend, oh friend

We are forever friends

Oh baby,

you give me all the love I need

You are the only one

I believe I can love

You give me your loving care

I believe in what we are

You will take me all the way,

as day by day

Oh, you and me, hand in hand

To everywhere amazing

Be my friend, oh friend

We are forever friends

Oh baby,

you give me all the love I need

You are the only one

You will take me all the way,

as day by day

Oh, you and me, hand in hand

To everywhere amazing

Be my friend, oh friend

We are forever friends

Oh baby,

you give me all the love I need

You are the only one

上一篇:快乐大本营20150606期背景音乐插曲开场全部歌曲叫什么名字    下一篇:出发吧爱情20150606期夫妻分离时播放的英文插曲背景音乐歌曲叫什么名字


