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     来源:本站整理      作者:不详      日期:2015-5-11

《花样姐姐》是东方卫视从韩国电视台引进的明星真人秀旅行节目,节目于2015年3月15日每周日晚21:10在东方卫视播出。该节目由奚美娟、徐帆、王琳、林志玲宋茜、杨紫组成花样姐姐团携手马天宇和李治廷两位挑夫展开一场前往土耳其、意大利的旅行。下面是花样姐姐20150510游轮刚到西西里岛的轻音乐lover's concerto歌词介绍。

lover's concerto歌词

  歌手: 陈慧琳

  How gentle is the rain

  that falls softly on the meadow

  Birds high up on the trees

  serenade the clouds with their melodies


  How gentle is the rain

  that falls softly on the meadow

  Birds high up on the trees

  serenade the clouds with their melodies


  See there beyond the hill

  the bright colors of the rainbow

  some magic from above

  Made this day for us

  just to fall in love

  You'll hold me in your arms

  and say once again you'll love me

  And that your love is true

  everything will be just as wonderful


  I belong to you

  from this day until forever

  Just love me tenderly

  and I'll give to you every part of me


  Don't ever make me cry

  through long lonely nights without us

  Be always true to me

  Keep this day in your heart eternally

  You hoid me in your arms

  and say once again you love me

  And that your love is true

  everything will be just as wonderful

上一篇:花样姐姐20150510期背景音乐英文插曲全部的歌曲有哪些叫什么名字    下一篇:为她而战片尾曲叫什么名字张宇_给你们MP3下载_歌词介绍


