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     来源:本站整理      作者:不详      日期:2015-2-10

 Netflix网站继续发布《纸牌屋》第三季正式宣传海报。第三季将会在2月27日,星期五中午12:01在Netflix网站上全部发布。Netflix continues to promote the third season of “House of Cards” with new key art and a motion poster. Season 3 will premiere on Friday, February 27 at 12:01 a.m. on Netflix.The third season will feature new recurring characters, including Kim Dickens in an unspecified role and Jenna Stern as an ambassador at the United Nations. Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina of the band Pussy Riot will also appear.

  在第三季中,将会出现全新的常规角色,包括Kim Dickens出演的还未向外公布的角色,以及Jenna Stern扮演的美国大使。Based on the BBC miniseries of the same name, the third season of “House of Cards” is executive produced by David Fincher, Joshua Donen, Beau Willimon, Kevin Spacey, Dana Brunetti, John David Coles and Eric Roth.美剧《纸牌屋》根据BBC同名迷你剧改编,第三季执行制片人团队由David Fincher、Joshua Donen、Beau Willimon、Kevin Spacey、Dana Brunetti、John David Coles和Eric Roth组成。

上一篇:大刀记第47集剧情介绍大虎接亲得知新娘被杀悲痛欲绝    下一篇:医馆笑传第25_26集剧情介绍预告金如风再次出现居心叵测有密谋


